A second-year high school boy finds himself uneasy during Christmas time due to an experience in the past. However, this year at Christmas, he gets his last chance to ask out a graduating female senior named Haruka Morishima — or one of several other classmates. The story of the anime will be arranged in an omnibus format, with each heroine getting her own version of the story animated. Each heroine will sing her own version of the ending theme song.
Written by pie_lord999 on February 3, 2012 at 10:33 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
I suspect this may have been largely aimed at a female Japanese audience, but that doesn't stop me, a white male, loving every mushy moment of it. Everyone has their guilty pleasures; like mashed banana, tummy rubs, or Dirty Dancing, but this is mine. Bring on the girly bits!