Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
March 12, 2005
Sakura-san is a boy destined to invent a way for girls to become immortal by forever remaining the age of twelve. Because of this, angels are sent from the future to kill him and prevent the world from becoming a lolicon paradise. Among them is Dokuro-chan, who takes a liking to Sakura. While she appears innocent, she has a tendency to beat Sakura to death on a whim with her giant thorny club, Excalibolg. Immediately after, she can resurrect him with the incantation, "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!" Together they embark on everyday school misadventures full of fanservice and gore.
Written by Shadow4126 on January 16, 2011 at 3:00 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 4
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
When I first got a hold of this anime, I was truly shocked at the violence and gore of it all. I sure of course laughed my ass off in the process. It's great for all those with an evil sense of humor, so try to stay away if echi and blood are not genres of your taste. I can say I had never seen anything like this before.