Seven kids are transported to the Digital World, a strange place where digital creatures called "Digimon" reside. A group of Digimon soon befriend them and keep the kids out of harm's way. The children then become the Digidestined, or Chosen Children, which protect the Digital World from evil Digimon like Devilmon and Myotismon.
There are not too many Anime that can be watched and re-watched and enjoyed and re-enjoyed to it's fullest like the first Season of Digimon. There is nothing better than an anime with an original idea and an epic storyline.
Digimon in it's own respect has earned it's places with 'Legendary Anime'. This show is great for kids and adults as it has alot of dry Japanese humour, controlled violence and relatively relevant life lessons. Especially when it comes to gathering courage and wisdom.
A great anime overall, however the animation is not the best as this show is quite archaic