A few years after the adventures of the Digidestined in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaizer, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Digidestined Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor.
Yes! The makers of Digimon have opened the second season of Digimon with nothing but disappointment after disappointment! You'd think that with the excellent closing and storyline of the First Season that the sequel will be just as devastatingly great. It's not, without spoiling the story too much, all I can say is that the disabling of the first set of Digi-Destined heroes was a great mistake. It brought me to tears that the original Digi-destined whom I hoped would have greater digi-Evolutions or stronger digimon brought to an almost useless state in war against the first Protagonist was really disappointing.