Taiki Kudō, an upbeat seventh-grade boy who always helps people in need, encounters a Digimon named Shoutmon, who brings him and his friends to the Digital World. With his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they form Team Xros Heart to compete against rival teams battling for supremacy, with their ultimate goal of taking down the evil Bagura Empire, who plans to conquer the Digital World.
for starting i am just saying excellent just because all people say that and second i am writing this review to help people in the anime download. many peple like complete animes that are awsome , and this website is the best of all for downoading episodes but not all animes are complete. And if you want the episodes that are missing just siply type the eoidoe and the anime you want on youtube search and search for the website that let you download that episode you want (most downloads i downloaded are a torent files so i recomend bittorrent).
that's all... thank you and i hope i helped you :)