Taiki Kudō, an upbeat seventh-grade boy who always helps people in need, encounters a Digimon named Shoutmon, who brings him and his friends to the Digital World. With his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they form Team Xros Heart to compete against rival teams battling for supremacy, with their ultimate goal of taking down the evil Bagura Empire, who plans to conquer the Digital World.
This anime is the best digimon anime .the story is better than all previous digimon anime , it is like digimon tamers but every human collect a lot of digimons in his device(X loader) to form an army to collect a chips called code crown.every zone cotain code crown who collect this chip control the zone and the X loader has the power to cross the digimos together to form stronger digimon with different power ..........