Taiki Kudō, an upbeat seventh-grade boy who always helps people in need, encounters a Digimon named Shoutmon, who brings him and his friends to the Digital World. With his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they form Team Xros Heart to compete against rival teams battling for supremacy, with their ultimate goal of taking down the evil Bagura Empire, who plans to conquer the Digital World.
Written by RickXeros on August 15, 2010 at 8:00 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
Seriously that's what I think every time I watch an episode of the latest installment in the Digimon Anime. This isn't to say that the anime is in any way identical or for that matter that much like Gurren Lagann, there are just some entertainingly Gurren Lagann esque qualities to this series, the over the top action, the awesome digimon mecha.... the flag... the drills.... the damn sunglasses! xD
I know some might say otherwise but I consider this to be the Gurren Lagann of the Digimon series, and I'm loving every minute of it!