The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school where armed detectives — "Butei" — are trained to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a special ability, but he keeps it a secret to maintain an ordinary, peaceful life. However, when he gets caught in a bombing on the way to school, he encounters H. Aria Kanzaki, the most powerful S-Rank Butei student in Assault Studies.
I mean, the story has so much potentia. Come on!! Don't waste it!! it can so be expanded upon. like maybe the origin of the hysterica mode, or the other battles of the rest of the EU and what about his brother!? and who the heck is kana!? seriously. are they just going to let the 'killing of vlad' end just like that? no 'cut down 99 years of prison' thingy and rejoyce or aria's mom getting out of jail? or even better, getting out of jail and telling aria and kinji that there is more behind the EU etc. a huge conspiracy!? Oh come on... it was so interesting...please dont end it now.. else the rest of the viewers will be dissapointed as well. btw, what about shirayuki and kinji? and kinji's parents and aria's dad? what happen to them? or more importantly, what will happen to aria and kinji once she found out the true trigger behind the hysterical mode and that he only goes for hysterica mode that furiously for her!? better yet, when aria finally acknowledges the existance of love. and i mean it in the romantic terms with kinji (need i say obivously?). I wanna see how aria battle out with shirayuki for kinji!! and reki! how on earth did she end up being like a machine like girl? oh and what's with vlads' obession over wolves and how the heck did he get into the high security butei academy!? oh and did anyone even notice that the butei sch has no other teachers in it? or at least, none whom we have seen....!!! dont be like those cliffhanger animes=( MORE PLEASE! ><