The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school where armed detectives — "Butei" — are trained to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a special ability, but he keeps it a secret to maintain an ordinary, peaceful life. However, when he gets caught in a bombing on the way to school, he encounters H. Aria Kanzaki, the most powerful S-Rank Butei student in Assault Studies.
Written by marvizgam on August 27, 2011 at 8:33 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 4
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 3
Entertainment: 4
If your looking for some action with a little bit of ecchi and comedy then Hidan no Aria maybe just for you. The fact that we're dealing with legendary literary figures like the famous detective Holmes and the great thief Lupin in the body of cute girls (who happens to be their descendants!) who can wield dual blades and guns is enough to at least arouse your interest throw in a guy who changes personality (hysteria mode) when sexually arouse plus a Miko who is a trained fighter we get a balance mixture of action, comedy, romance and a bit of ecchi on the side. The villains aren't so bad as well as we got an ice-wielding Jean de Arc (it seems she survive the fire and manage to have children!) and Vlad a.k.a. Dracula who turns out to be a half vampire-werewolf and is good at genetics. This anime has just the right balance, the action is great to watch, the characters are fun and interesting, the comedy and ecchi part is just enough. Though the plot may not be solid considering it's only made up of 12 episodes there are still plenty of entertainment value on each episode and hope that a sequel will provide much more insight since there are still a lot of things that are left out.