A young woman named Sophie is cursed by the Witch of the Waste, turns into an old woman, and is unable to tell anyone of her plight. Unable to continue her job at her mother's hat shop, she goes to the ambulatory castle of the notorious wizard Howl and insinuates herself into his household. Sophie befriends Calcifer, the fire demon who powers the castle and who is bound to Howl by a contract, the terms of which Calcifer cannot reveal. They promise to help each other with their problems. Like Calcifer, Howl can also see through the Witch's spell, and he and Sophie fall in love. Sophie helps Howl confront his former teacher, and the Witch of the Waste. (from IMDB)
if this is made into a human movie, can i be sophie???
Written by dim_sim_bear on December 19, 2010 at 1:00 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
WHAT A MOVIE!!!!!man this story was just so beautiful. the characters were just so realistic! this is by far theee most adventurous movies i've ever watched! the storyline is just so unpredictable. just when you think something may happen, something else happens. it feels as if you are in a dream but your not! i swear if this was made into a movie with human actors i totally shotgun being sophie!!!! XP.......