The story centers on a sophomore named Kanako who enrolls in all-girls school because she has a phobia of men and wants to find her destined yuri partner. She meets a captivating freshman named Mariya who fits her criteria — except her seemingly ideal mate happens to be a cross-dressing sadistic boy.
Written by Xunzen on September 22, 2010 at 6:29 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
This anime story is about Kanako, who has a trouble when she touch some guy, transfer to only girls school. It's not special plot but what do you thing if her roommate is a boy!!
Maria, the boy and lead character (beside Kanako), has some of evil character. And Kanako is lesbian (maybe I can call her crazy!!) Therefore, when they met very funny story begin!!!
Animation is very very good. Characters design isn't special but they have some charm in them. Story is very fun, you can laugh a lot in the acting of Kanako.
If you want laughable anime this one is very good.