Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
October 1, 2010
Still Airing
Panty and Stocking are angels who were kicked out of heaven due to their bad behavior. They are sent to Daten City (a pun on the Japanese word datenshi (堕天使?, lit. "Fallen Angel")), a place located somewhere between heaven and hell, where strange monsters called "Ghosts" start terrorizing the place. Under the watchful eye of Reverend Garterbelt, it's up to Panty and Stocking to destroy these Ghosts, and by doing so they receive Heaven Coins which will allow them back into heaven.
Reminds me of 'Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi' but rated R. I heard so much promise in this anime from friends and I was a bit disappointed. I really enjoy quirky animes like FLCL, Sayonara Zetsubou, ect.. but it was hard for me to watch this. There's a lot of adult content but its played off in such a childish way that it just isn't very funny.