Serving as a more faithful adaptation of the Pokémon Red and Blue games, the story follows a young boy named Red who begins a journey with his Pokémon partner, Charmander, as he seeks to capture all the known Pokémon in the Kanto region and become the Pokémon League Champion. Along the way he comes up against his rival, Blue ("Green" in Japan), various Pokémon Gym Leaders, and the nefarious crime organization, Team Rocket.
Written by Mithrandir17 on November 15, 2013 at 3:14 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 4
This series is pretty awesome, it has such a nice touch of gameboy games. It's not continuous story, but more like animated subplots of the game. I totally approve this !!!