Ranma ½ is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi with an anime adaptation. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts. As a result of an accident during a training journey, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, but hot water will change him back into a boy.
Truly this has been and will always be best example of great harem, comedy and martial arts based anime! Ranma is a must see, it's one of the great classics that I grew up watching, seriously this is the anime that really got me into anime more then any other series I watched at the time. It wasn't the first anime I watched as a kid but it was one of the all time best! This anime is one of the kinds you really don't have to watch the episodes in any particular order to enjoy, which in this case works out great for it because each episode is a self contained and highly entertaining story!
This is one of the classics that made anime culture grow in america and it is an absolute MUST SEE if you haven't already, you can not call yourself a true anime fan without it!