The story takes place in a fantasy world and revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Pacifica Casull, who is the sister in a set of twins born to the royal family of a kingdom called Leinwan and then, literally, thrown away. The 5111th Grendel Prophecy predicts that she will be the "poison that will destroy the world" if she reaches her sixteenth birthday. To prevent this she is dropped off a cliff as an infant ("scrapped"). Believed to be dead, her survival remains no more than a rumour until she is already 15 years old.
down the ones with chapter titles, previous post said some were no good,
those were the ones without titles, so I am uploading all of them to make sure there is a good set.
I know they were all good before uploading them, I just finished watching the series.
I was not disappointed in the ending, as I have been on some anime's recently.
I always judge if an anime can make you choke up or cry a little it is doing it job well.
It was well worth watching the whole series, nothing worth nit picking about.
Was good enough for me to invest the time watching it.
Good mix of humor and serious things.