As the newest head of the prestigious Campbell household, young Cecily Campbell is following family tradition by becoming a Knight Guard of the Independent Trade City of Housman and taking up the family sword. While being attacked by a crazed veteran knight, she was saved by Luke, the Sacred Blacksmith. Alongside Lisa, his assistant, Luke has the power to forge powerful swords capable of defeating the so feared demons. Demons which could once again bring the world close to an end.
At first it did not seam to big of a deal, but it some how got my attention until the end. When i got at the end i really liked it and from what the ending tells us, there should be a sequel, can't wait for that.
The story is about daemon swords (will let you find out the trick to that), and a blacksmith that crafts special swords to destroy daemons. The story with the blacksmith starts off when he meats a female knight in danger and he rescues her, although the female knight is the main character, she is some times put in second. Well that's how the story starts off, enjoy watching the rest, it's good.