The story is about Yuuki Rito, a high-school boy who cannot confess to the girl of his dreams, Sairenji Haruna. One day when coming home and sulking in the bath-tub a mysterious, nude girl, appears out of nowhere. Her name is Lala and she comes from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. Her father wants her to return to her home planet so she can marry one of the husband candidates, but she decides that she wants to marry Rito in order to stay on Earth.
The To-Love Ru series is one of the best anime in 2008 and onwards. The character has a lot of impact, definitely like Lala one of the best pink haired heroine in the anime, you'll never forget her. Only if you have patience the plot of story will slowly pickup to a long period of time. Also this is one of my treasured anime as same rank of TTGL, FSN and so on. If I put this to my ranking treasure, i'll put it to 7 out of 15. CG is still in my 1.