The action will unfold between the events of the original film 1982 and the film “TRON: Legacy” 2010. Main character – a young computer software Beck (voiced by Elijah Wood) leads a revolt against Clu, who seized power in the system and his henchman General Tesler (voiced by Lance Henriksen). TRON (voiced by Bruce Boxleitner) is the greatest hero of all time. He is Beck’s coach. Soon Beck becomes the new defender of the system and the main enemy of Tesler and his troops.
Written by aussieluvr05 on August 14, 2012 at 4:10 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
If you're a fan of TRON in any way, heck, even if you're not... this is a GREAT animated story! Sure it's not JAPANIME but still, it's worthy no doubt...
If you don't get chills up your spine when the opening sequence begins then don't come crying to mama!