Older Children (May contain mild bad language, bloodless violence)
October 9, 2003
The series follows the life of Shiki Tohno, a prodigious 17-year old high school student, who is gifted with a mysterious ability to see "death-lines", which, when cut, will destroy the object they reside within. A product of a life-threatening injury suffered in his childhood, this unique yet traumatizing ability of Shiki's is shielded by a pair of special glasses, a childhood gift from a mysterious woman, Aoko Aozaki. These glasses aid him in not seeing the death-lines and to live a relatively peaceful and normal life.
Written by KillerSword on September 2, 2010 at 11:10 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
This is a very good anime that has a good and moving story line that has good music that compuments wot is going on in the story. The art work and animation is very good. The manga of witch this anime is based on is much better, i read the manga many time befor i new about the anime. i reconmend both but the manga has a better cohetion about it and atmosfer about it evn though there are behind in translathion. it is a deffent watch and read. A must see