The story revolves around Maya - The daughter of the Former head Master of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999, and a time traveling agent Uchida a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012
This story revolves around a girl named Maya and a time-traveling agent named Uchida. Maya is the daughter of the former headmaster, who passed away in 1999, of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult, and Uchida is a mysterious young man who has traveled back in time from 2012.
The Ending to Episode one is really funny I'd probably do the same. Also it does make you wonder who the heck just popped up. Hopefully the plot is decent as there is not enough to really say at the moment this episode was more just sort of a hook so not a lot as been told at the moment so these ratings are based of episode one.