The story revolves around Maya - The daughter of the Former head Master of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999, and a time traveling agent Uchida a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012
This story revolves around a girl named Maya and a time-traveling agent named Uchida. Maya is the daughter of the former headmaster, who passed away in 1999, of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult, and Uchida is a mysterious young man who has traveled back in time from 2012.
I just finished watching this anime, and it was something else...i just loved the story, the characters, the animation, everythnig in this anime is "Top Notch" ;p It also have an emotional touch in some epi. It truly is a great anime.
The only sad part is the end...i really~~ wanted it to continue on. It's one of the few animes that i wished to continue, but at the same time, the end is allways a "Must Have" to make a Very Good Story!
Anyway i advice this anime to EVERYONE! I don't thing theres a sane person on this Universe that won't like this anime ;)