The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series, that premieres on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14, 2012. The series is a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is currently set to run for 26 episodes
A well done sequel to Avatar the Last Airbender. The premise of the story is well founded in the Avatar mythos and the fact that what seems to be at least 50 years have past since the story we know has transpired the world has changed accordingly. It is nice to see characters from the original pop up as well as descendants of original story line characters. The animation is a more mature stylization than what the original cartoon was and very much on the level as Hayao Miyazaki's work; simply beautiful. The Legend of Korra is a great NEW Avatar story line. If you know of the Aang story line that helps you appreciate this story more, but you don't need to have watched it to enjoy this. There is much that transpired between Avatar the Last Airbender and the beginning of the Legend of Korra, so I'm looking for word to Avatar: the rebirth of the Phoenix King but till then this sorty is beautiful. BTW I want a Polarbeardog.