Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16 year old high school student Takanashi Souta works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Taneshima Popura, a high school girl who's a year older than Souta who's easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Shirafuji Kyoko the 28-year old store manager who doesn't bother to do any work at all.
Story - The anime mainly runs on non-continuous basis, that is, each episode has its own short stories/arcs telling different (funny) stuffs. Some elements remains continuous, notably the relationships between characters. The personalities of each characters are craved perfectly and well-balanced. There are some, but not extensive, moe elements as well.
Dialogue - The heart and soul of the anime. The seiyuus did a fantastic job, they bring out emotions of the characters and are able to convey the story's messages. Not to mention that the seiyu cast is GODLY, they include award winners Fukuyama Jun, Daisuke Ono, Kamiya Hiroshi, as well as Asumi Kana and Hirohashi Ryo(In her "Tama-chan" style voice like in Bamboo Blade)
Animation - Average. Nothing very HD-esque. But again, it is the dialogues and atmosphere that rules this anime.
Entertainment - SUPERB. Lighthearted presentation of story, interesting characters coupled with great voice acting provide tons of entertainment that makes you come back again and again.